Thursday 15 August 2013

Who is Corrupt in Nigeria?

We all can agree and confess to the fact that our society is engulfed by corruption. One begins to wonder what exactly corruption is, and who and who are corrupt?

Permit me to remind you that corruption in this context means any dishonest exploitation of power for personal gain. It is true that many of our elected leaders cannot render a wholesome financial account of their leadership which is corruption. But what of some of us who can't account for the money paid us for a particular contract? What of some of our lecturers who demand for benefits before students can be passed? What of some of our law enforcement agents who choose a few coins over bringing an obvious culprit to justice? What of our parents who support and send their children to examination areas notorious for malpractice? What of students who promote Malpractice by writing exams for others? What of some of us who cannot even give financial account within our immediate nuclear family? Is that not corruption as well?

Most of us in one way or the other have associated ourselves with corruption, therefore it’s not only our leaders that are corrupt, we too are, and if given a bigger opportunity will still exhibit that trait of corruption. Corruption is therefore a grass root problem.

The solution needs to start from the grass root as well. It is high time we chose the right over the wrong no matter how beneficial the wrong is. It high time we chose justice over bribery. It is high time we employee the qualified instead of our family. It is high time we killed this cankerworm called corruption. But to do that we have to start with ourselves, our family, our town before we can progress to our beloved nation Nigeria.
Let's join hands and kill corruption!
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