Friday 9 August 2013

40 days into ASUU strike

From what seems like just yesterday, the ASUU strike has gone past 40 solid days. While the strike initially pained some who have laid down plans, many of us welcomed the idea of the strike hoping that it will just be another 1 or 2 weeks of freedom from academic wahala, I guess by now we Nigerian students have the same view and ask the same question now, “when will the strike be called off?”

It is unfortunate how dedicated and committed students who were best friends with their books have metamorphosed into die hard facebookers perpetual pingers and social network freaks with their phone chargers as the new found companion. While the guys are bankrupt with little or no allowance from the oga at the top, the ladies are weighing their options for greener pastures and considering marriage proposals. Chei! ASUU and FG, we Nigerian students are tired of staying at home with nothing meaningful to do, waking each day with nothing relating to academics on our minds. Now we know how sweet school stress is, and we wish so much to go back to school.

Even more alarming is the facts that only little progress has been made in the negotiations between ASUU and FG. I wonder whether FG is aware that this strike is a major performance indicator for its administration.

Destinies are being delayed, some other destinies are taking a new and deadly course, potential leaders are wasting away; our educational system is suffering only for one reason, ASUU strike. ASUU and FG I pray thee, resolve your fracas for the sake of our future leaders, and for the sake of our beloved country Nigeria.

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