Tuesday 30 July 2013

'All girls have fish brain'

'All girls have fish brain' were the exact words of my friend Ben some time ago. The surprising thing is that he tried to prove it. He did by talking about the long list of his conquest with girls of various characters, shapes and sizes. I tried as much as I could to disprove him. It all ended by him challenging me to a bet. It was simple, he asked me to give him any girl's number whom I consider different, and give him two weeks to see whether he won’t have his way with the girl. I thought about it but decided against it, simply because I don’t want be the cause of anybody's heartache. But seriously this is how many a relationships commence, from a bet between a guy and his friend and trust me girls fall for it.
I know exactly how my female readers will feel reading this. But if you are one pause for a minute or maybe an hour and think how many guys have there been in your life? 2, 3, 4, 10 some have even lost count. Once beaten twice shy they say, but they never said what happens when one is beaten 5 or more times, did they? I guess now you understand what I am saying. It’s quite obvious that the life of most girls is a cycle. For instance Jane meets John, from friendship to romance, romance to sex, from sex to dumping, from dumping to heartbreak which might last for like 2 weeks, then from heartbreak Jane meets Harry, and it all starts afresh. Unfortunately, hardly does an average guy's life move in cycles, it rather replicates the life of an explorer, whose primary objective is to discover new things, brake new grounds, and smash old records. This is especially true for guys in their early twenties.
Strangely enough, these two lives (that of a guy and girl) are not so different, it’s just the philosophy that makes all the difference. What do i mean? A guy and a girl have been involved in several broken relationships, but guess what, a girl's idea is that of heartbreak but a guy sees his own as his conquest. The bombshell is this, that same guy who has scores of girls to his conquest list actually wants a virgin for a wife.
How funny, if you are wise you will know that if you had a number of heartbreaks in the past, you actually conform to my friend Ben's definition of girls that is 'fish brain'. What pains me is that some people will after reading this still choose to be deceived, for such people I have no remedy for your myopia. The few who understand what am saying are actually asking themselves that big question, what is the way forward? Don’t worry am out of time today, I'll get back to you on that tomorrow.

air your view!...commen
you can also read the sequeal...'All girls have fish brain' part 2


  1. actually, its not about d ladies having "fish brain" per say, d fact is that, most girls go into a relationship without trying to define the terms of such a relationship, they end up getting hurt, cos the guy's motive(s) most of the times, differs from the girl's. unlike the guy who wants to "conquer", the girl just wants to be loved...which ofcourse is no crime

  2. Nocxy, I agree with you. I still believe in d principle dat all decision lies on wat u want b u male or female. And critically speaking, if girls av fish brain, den I think sm guys do to, coz I believe dat there are ladies out there who also av same mindsets as the guyz. My sisters are exceptions to these sha, lol.


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