Sunday 4 August 2013

President Mugabe of Zimbabwe wins 7th term amidst fraud allegations

President Robert Mugabe (89 years) who has been Zimbabwe’s president since their independence in 1980 has won yet another 5 years in office.

Mr Mugabe won 61% of the vote against runner up Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai who won 34%. Mr Tsvangirai has earlier alleged that the elections were fraudulent and promised to take legal actions. In results of the parliamentary election conducted this week also, MDC (Tsvangirai’s party) won just 49 seats against ZANU-PF’s (Mugabe’s party) 158.

Mr Tsvangirai said he would produce a record of the electoral fraud and called on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to investigate.

The result does not seem to express the will of the Zimbabwean people that is why former zimbabwe colonial power UK urged a thorough investigation, more so the US state department of state also called for an investigation.

The largest monitoring group, Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) which had 7,000 workers observing the vote said up to one million people could not vote due to problems with voters’ registration. These people were mostly from urban areas regarded as MDC strongholds.

On Saturday, one of the nine members of the election commission resigned over the way the election was conducted.

"While throughout the whole process I retained some measure of hope that the integrity of the whole process could be salvaged along the way, this was not to be."… Commissioner Mkhululi Nyathi said in his resignation letter.

All these are coming as the African Union observers which includes Chief Olusegun obasanjo suggests that the election was “free and credible”.

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