Sunday 11 August 2013

How to become the best

We always think in our different spheres of life that the best is a reserved position for some specially selected set of people. But I tell you there is enough space in the sky to contain each and every one of us that is determined to be the best.

Before I proceed I need you my dear reader to understand one thing. Being the best is not about beating the best person in your class, it is not about graduating with the best result, it is not about being the most successful in your line of business, neither is it about winning one competition or the other. Am not saying these things are not desirable, no, am only saying that being the best means a lot more than these.

Being the best is not an event that just happens; rather it is a process which involves continually giving your possible best to whatever you do. Initially your efforts will seem unfruitful but if you continue to give your best gradually even your antagonists will acknowledge you as a symbol of excellence.

There are simple steps which would catapult you to the sky if followed carefully. The first of them is to understanding yourself, you need to understand that even you can be the best, you are potentially the best around and the only problem is that you are not operating at your full potential. When you understand this, your upward journey to the top has begun.

You must note that there is no way you can be the best without actually working like the best. Certain things which you have termed impossible are actually the foundation for success. Like some will ask how can i possibly cover the syllabus or course content. Or how can I know all these? Yes you can, it is not something you can do in a day but it’s something you can do. Just start, set your feasible target and work towards it. Your progress will surprise even you.

When you have imbibed the culture of hard work one more thing remains, this is simple but at the same time it could be difficult. All the same, it is the principle of success, am talking about believing in yourself or confidence. Many fail today because they did not believe in what they know or their design or idea. They prefer to go with what is generally acceptable without actually asking whether it is the right thing. Some even discard their wonderful idea to accept someone else’s idea. That is actually the greatest limitation many encounter in their journey to the top.

Once you have understood that you too can be the best, you have continued to work hard, and you believe in yourself. The only other thing remaining is to continue in these things and the sky will be your starting point.

See you at the top!!!

For more info send me a message through

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