Thursday 1 August 2013

'All girls have fish brain' part 2

Many people misunderstood my last article on this subject, some thought I hate girls, others thought I have unsettled scores with girls. Sincerely I have nothing against girls, in fact I think girls display the closest to agape love, I was only looking at girls from my friend Ben's perspective. All the same here is the other side of the coin.
In my few years on planet earth I’ve come to discover one thing about girls. Whether young or old, fat or slim, pretty or plane, a girl needs a man to love her, someone who will understand her, whom she could trust and look up to, who will give her all the attention she needs, a man who will make her happy, a man she would call her own. This is the desire of every girl.

Now in their quest to find this one perfect man, girls fall into the hands of guys who have an entirely different motive. Such guys are mostly motivated by a girl’s physique, the Beautiful face, shapely body, nice carriage and probably social status. These initial motivations hide the flaws the girl might have. For a guy, it feels like you've found your missing rib at this stage, and he is ready to do whatever it takes to make that girl his. Unfortunately, that is quite easy, depending on the girl. The asking out, outings, lovely text messages, and excessive calls begin, but these don’t exactly win her, what wins her is how much you care, how much you connect with her, and how compatible you are with her standards.

As all these loving continue, they define what will later become the most enjoyable part of a girl’s relationship. Therefore, a girl begins to ask that big question “could this be love?” As the days turn into weeks, a girl answers that question, and if the answer is positive, she lets loose, she allows herself to love. Love for a girl means a lot of things among which are, accepting the guy as he is, whether short, poor, illiterate, handicapped, smoker, drunk, or even a womanizer. She would take care of him, make sacrifices for him, and in fact become preoccupied with his life, but that is not the climax of a girl’s love.

The climax comes when after all these a girl allows his man to take the lead. At this point the girl gives up the little control she has over the relationship and lives at the mercy of the guy. For the guy, now the journey begins. The rule of dictatorship begins with several demands that require serious sacrifices on the part of the girl. This continues until Adam eats the “forbidden fruit”. At this juncture the true motive of the guy as regards to the relationship surfaces. If the motive is the “forbidden fruit” alone, then the relationship begins its backward motion. Originally, for the girl everything will seem normal and each offence will normally have its excuse or alibi, until that rainy day when there will be just no other explanation for a grave offence. The relationship hits the rocks, and even if it survives it would never be the same again.

The wonderful thing about girls is that after devoting so much sacrifice and love into a relationship that didn’t stand the test of time, they still have the gusto to go into another entirely new relationship. So if a girl has loved three times, she has had to accept three different men, she has cared for three different men, she has made sacrifices for three different men, and above all she has allowed three different men to take the lead in her life, and for that I respect them.

Therefore to my friend Ben I say, “Maybe to you girls have fish brain, but for me I think they have a heart of gold, a heart that trusts too easily, that believes too quickly, and loves too deeply, the earlier you stop taking advantage of their wonderful heart the better for you”
you can as well read 'All girls have fish brain' part 1

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