Wednesday 14 August 2013

“Hyperloop” transportation system to move at 700mph

To those who hate long journeys, there is a glimmer of hope as big time South African born American entrepreneur Elon Musk plans on developing Hyperloop, a vacuum-like tube that will ferry passengers through 350 miles in just 35 minutes (speed: 700mph)

On Monday Musk unveiled details about the project which aims at developing these vacuum-like capsules (more images after the cut) which are faster than most commercial airliners and slightly less than speed of sound (768mph).

China’s Maglev Train believed to be the world’s fastest travels at a top speed of 311mph meaning it will take about 1hr 20 minutes to do the same journey Hyperloop will do in 30 minutes.

Musk said the inspiration for Hyperloop came partly after seeing plans in California to spend a whopping $9 billion on trains that could only make 164mph, which according to him do not their potential. He says building Hyperloop system will cost less than $6 billion.

Wow! See how technology has moved from the days of bicycle to future of travelling with close to the  speed of sound. I hope the plan succeeds.

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