Friday 16 August 2013

My Talent-what Ben Carson Says?

Talent simply put is an unusual natural ability to do something well. People are endowed with different talents. Many try to tailor their life to a direction different from their talent and in the process they fail to discover their own God given gift(s).

Below is what Dr Ben Carson said about talent in his book about “THINK BIG”
 “Particularly when I speak to young people I talk about talent. When I get a chance for a one-to-one or small group conversation, I often ask, “What talent do you have?”

I have done this so often that I can now fairly well predict how thy will respond. Their answers will come out like this:
-          “I can sing”
-          “I can play basketball”
-          “I’m good at sports”
-          “I play an instrument”
They tend to think in terms of being performers, superstar singers, or hotshot ball players. Seldom do I hear someone say, “I’m good in math”, or “I’m a good reader.” No one has yet answered me by saying, “I can extract complex concepts from the written page,” or “I’m very good with computer science.” Yet, these abilities are talents-gift that not everyone possesses.”
Excerpts from THINK BIG by Ben Carson
Yes singing, sports, acting, comedy, and various other entertainment disciplines can be your talent, but we must understand that our talents are unique. My talents cannot exactly be the same as yours. We all need to stop looking for the next celebrity to copy and discover what we can do exceptionally, and in doing that we would be celebrated as well.
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