Monday 5 August 2013

Blackberry messenger for android testing started!

For those android and iphone  users who are patiently waiting for the release of famous blackberry messenger BBM, you might not wait much longer as Blackberry says that it has begun internal testing of the BBM app on Android, destined for those that employees have chosen (friends or family). Those people will receive an email allowing them to sign up for BBM and install it on any Android phone running Ice Cream Sandwich or higher. Unfortunately, all the tester slots are full, so there is no way to sign up for it at the moment.

BlackBerry has publicly announced that BlackBerry Messenger for iOS and Android is set to be released sometime before the end of summer.
In the first version of multi-platform BBM, iOS and Android users are expected to be able to experience the following BBM features:
·         The immediacy of BBM chats
·          Multi-person chats
·          Voice note sharing
·         BlackBerry Groups, where BBM users are able to set up groups of up to 30 people and share calendar, photos, files and more
Let us wait and see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. yeah. rili cant wait to start giving out my pin. hahahaha


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