Saturday 17 August 2013

SOCCKET: The Ball that Charges Electronic Devices

Co-founders of Uncharted play, Nigerian Jessica Matthews and Julia Silverman were Harvard undergraduates when they first invented SOCCKET. A soccer ball that doubles as a charger for small electronic devices like LED lamps, cell phones, and even hot plates. 

Amazingly, 30 minutes of play with SOCCKET can yield up to 3 hours of light. The inventors were inspired by the time they spent in developing countries, where they watched local youth play soccer games. The ball is designed to appeal to kids while helping families who don't have safe power sources in their homes. 

The SOCCKET is a portable generator in the form of a durable soccer ball. It works by harnessing the kinetic energy generated by playing with the ball, it then stores this power for later use.

Now the entrepreneurs are busy distributing the balls in countries ranging from South Africa to Argentina.
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Struggling Blackberry Ltd considers sale

Struggling smartphone maker Blackberry Ltd said on Monday that it had set up a committee to review its options. This created a debate over whether the company is more valuable as a whole or snapped up piece by piece by competitors or private investors.

Blackberry who once enjoyed the stock market has suffered in the hands of Apple Inc. and phones using Google Inc’s Android operating system, and its blackberry 10 smartphones did not attract enough consumers. Its share price which peaked at C$150 (Canadian dollar) in 2008 was now left at C$11.3 as at Monday. Blackberry’s market capitalization also fell form $80 billion in 2008 to the more recent $5.4 billion.

August 17th in history

In August 17th 2011, the price of gold reaches a new record after Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez announces plans to nationalize his country’s gold industry.
This day in 2008 American accomplished swimmer Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals in 2008 Olympics.
And in 1999, earthquake kills 17,000 in Northwest Turkey.
Bill Clinton admits an “inappropriate relationship” with Monica Lewinsky before a grand jury in 1998.
This day 1988, Republicans elected George W. Bush for president.
In 1978, the Atlantic was successfully crossed for the first time with balloon by 3 Americans. And in Philippines an earthquake and tidal wave kills up to 8,000 in 1976.

Friday 16 August 2013

My Talent-what Ben Carson Says?

Talent simply put is an unusual natural ability to do something well. People are endowed with different talents. Many try to tailor their life to a direction different from their talent and in the process they fail to discover their own God given gift(s).

Below is what Dr Ben Carson said about talent in his book about “THINK BIG”
 “Particularly when I speak to young people I talk about talent. When I get a chance for a one-to-one or small group conversation, I often ask, “What talent do you have?”

Thursday 15 August 2013

Who is Corrupt in Nigeria?

We all can agree and confess to the fact that our society is engulfed by corruption. One begins to wonder what exactly corruption is, and who and who are corrupt?

Permit me to remind you that corruption in this context means any dishonest exploitation of power for personal gain. It is true that many of our elected leaders cannot render a wholesome financial account of their leadership which is corruption. But what of some of us who can't account for the money paid us for a particular contract? What of some of our lecturers who demand for benefits before students can be passed? What of some of our law enforcement agents who choose a few coins over bringing an obvious culprit to justice? What of our parents who support and send their children to examination areas notorious for malpractice? What of students who promote Malpractice by writing exams for others? What of some of us who cannot even give financial account within our immediate nuclear family? Is that not corruption as well?

August 15th in history

2007: in Peru, 8.0-magnitude earthquake off the pacific coast devastates Ica and various other regions, kills 514 and leaves over 1500 injured
1998: Bill Clinton confesses to Hillary about the Monica Lewinsky affair
1995: Kylee Sue Sanders (18) of Kansas crowned 13th Miss teen USA
1994: South African President Mandela receives Anne Frank Penning
1989: Frederik de Klerk becomes President of South Africa
1975: Bangledesh military coup under Khondakar Moustaque Ahmed, in sudan
1974: President Park Chung-Hee of South Korea escapes assassination
1974: Hurricane/floods kills 4000 at Bangledesh