Thursday 25 July 2013

Today in history

First "test tube baby" born, 1978
This day in 1978, the world's first baby to be conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), Louise Joy Brown is born at Oldham and District General Hospital in Manchester, England, to parents Lesley and Peter Brown. The healthy baby was delivered shortly before midnight by caesarean section and weighed five pounds, 12 ounces.
Air France Concorde jet crashes, 2000
On this day in 2000, An Air France Concorde jet crashes upon take-off in Paris, everyone onboard died as well as four people on the ground. The Concorde, the world's fastest commercial jet, had enjoyed an excellent safety record up to that point, with no crashes in its 31-year history.

25th Olympiad opens in Barcelona, 1992
Today July 25, 1992, the opening ceremonies of the 25th Olympic Games are held in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona Olympics were the first ever in which professional athletes were allowed to participate. In all, 169 countries fielded teams, the maximum in the history of the Olympics.

Mussolini ousted from power, 1943
On this day in 1943, Benito Mussolini, fascist dictator of Italy, is voted out of power by his own Grand Council and arrested upon leaving a meeting with King Vittorio Emanuele. Mussolini responded to it all with an uncharacteristic meekness.

Also in

2012       Prime Minister of Serbia Ivica Dacic officially sworn in
2011      Alberto Contador wins the 2010 Tour de France, while seven-time winner of the event, Lance Armstrong, makes his ultimate appearance
1996       Kim LaPlante of Washington state crowned Mrs. United States
1994       Jordan and Israeli end their 46 year state of war
1993       Designer Claude Montana (44) weds his model Wallis Franken (44)
1993       Miguel Indurain wins Tour de France for the 3rd time
1989       Brandi Sherwood (of Idaho) crowned 7th Miss Teen USA
1988       Mindy Duncan (16), of Oregon, crowned 6th Miss Teen USA
1988       Pedro Delgado wins Tour de France
1987       U.S.S.R. launches Kosmos 1870, 15-ton Earth-study satellite
1985       Uganda suspends constitution following coup
1985      Rock Hudson announces he has AIDS,
1983       1st non-human primate, baboon, conceived in a lab dish, San Antonio
1832      First railroad accident in U.S. history occurs in Massachusetts.

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