Friday 19 July 2013

Five Evidences of Good Living

Many think that good living is all about the posh cars, the elegant mansions, the bursting bank accounts, and all what not. Actually, good living is so much more than all that. here are some of the factors that signify good living

  1. Comfort: Yes agreed good living entails being comfortable. This, to many people means driving a fashionable car, living in a classy house, and having a smiling bank account. In fact this is probably the most visible aspect of good living; and this is probably because everybody can identify an expensive house or a luxury house when they see it. The general assumption when such a house is seen is that the owner or occupant is living the good life
  2.  Generosity: a fair judge of how wealthy someone might be is counting the number of people he has helped, this might sound awkward but many people use this as a yardstick. Generally, a philanthropist is seen to be satisfied enough with what he or she has to be able to help others. Some people’s wealth has been overestimated because of their service to others and to humanity at large. Being generous could therefore present one as living good 
  3. Exercise: we cannot successfully talk about good living without highlighting the importance of exercise. Some think the only way to exercise is by visiting the gym, or walking 10 kilometres at a stretch.
    How wrong they can be, exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health. It can be grouped as Flexibility exercises, such as stretching which improves the range of motion of muscles and joints. Aerobic exercises, such as cycling, swimming, walking, skipping rope, rowing, running, hiking or playing tennis, which focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance. Anaerobic exercises, such as weight training, functional training, eccentric training or sprinting and high-intensity interval training, increase short-term muscle strength. Exercise amongst other things, boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the "diseases of affluence" such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity, It also improves mental health, helps prevent depression, helps to promote or maintain positive self-esteem, and can even augment an individual's sex appeal or body image. We can see that the importance of exercise cannot be overemphasized, its necessary in our everyday life that is if you care about La vida buenas
  4. Healthy food: Another judge of how good one lives is based on the quality of food one eats. Many think eating good food is all about eating in the most expensive eatery around.
    Yes their food might be good, but is it healthy? A healthy food is one that adds significant value to the body with little or no side effects even as it gives energy and contains the six classes of food. Several food and drinks which we relish today are direct routes to diseases like cancer, heart disease,
    diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. One good question to ask for every food or drink one takes is “how does this food add value to my body?” The kind of food you eat defines how healthy you are which in turns defines how good a life you are living.
  5. Happiness: a lot of people think that happiness is dependent on how much money one has. Contrary to that philosophy, many a wealthy men have been found to be grossly unhappy. This can be attributed to several factors normally unique to the person involved. Generally, several parts of a one's life need to be functioning before happiness can be achieved. This include, the emotional life, this is the reason why most wealthy people are unhappy, when one’s love life is not working as supposed then unhappiness is almost inevitable. Physical inadequacies, this could be in the form of diseases, disabilities, looks, and every other negative physical condition. Underachievement, many are unhappy because they think they are not doing as well as they should, this happens especially when the people around them are doing considerably better. This leads to withdrawal from the environment and constant unhappiness. However, I must say that happiness is not really about having everything working for you, it is rather about placing more value on the things you have than the things you don’t or can’t have. We all hope to be happy in life, believe it or not anyone who is happy is living good.

Finally, no matter your standard of living, good living is more than achievable. We can all strive to be comfortable, generous, happy, to exercise, and to eat healthy food.

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