Sunday 28 July 2013

High profile hacker Barnaby Jack dies a week before hacking convention

Phenomenal computer hacker, Barnaby Jack was on Thursday found dead at an apartment in Nob Hill neighbourhood of San Francisco.
 Many have been celebrated for several impressive acts, for New Zealand born 35 year old Barnaby, his talent lies in hacking. He was one of the world’s most famous “white hat” hackers – those who use their hacking skills to find security loopholes before criminals can exploit them.
 Barnaby became prominent in 2010 after getting ATMs to spill out cash. His gift was finding bugs in the tiny computers embedded in equipment, such as medical devices and cash machines. His research forced equipment makers to fix bugs in their software.
Jack had planned to display his prowess at the Black Hat hackers convention in Las Vegas next Thursday. The cause of his demise is still unknown as San Francisco’s Medical Examiner’s office is still conducting an autopsy


  1. so sad.i think he was killed by the bad guys.''D Black Hackers''..wat a wasted talent.

    1. yeah maybe, but we wait for the autopsy report to comfirm


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