Tuesday 23 July 2013

Today in History

1984: Miss America resigns
On this day in 1984, 21-year-old Vanessa Williams gives up her Miss America title, this came after Penthouse magazine announces plans to publish nude photos of the beauty queen in its September issue, the first resignation in the pageant's history. Williams originally made history on September 17, 1983, when she became the first black woman to win the Miss America crown. Miss New Jersey, Suzette Charles, the first runner-up and also an African American, assumed Williams' tiara for the two months that remained of her reign.
1967: The 12th Street riot
In the early hours of July 23, 1967, one of the worst riots in U.S. history breaks out on 12th Street in the heart of Detroit's predominantly African-American inner city. By the time it was quelled four days later by 7,000 National Guard and U.S. Army troops, 43 people were dead, 342 injured, and nearly 1,400 buildings had been burned.
Also in...
2012:   Sally Ride, America's first female astronaut dies of pancreatic cancer at the age of 61
2011    Nigerian senate reschedules elections by changing the country's constitution
1995    5th Tour de France won by Miguel Indurains
1993    55 killed as British Aerospace 147 crashes at Yinchuan,
1993    About 66 killed as Chinese B737 crashes at Yinchuan,
1992    Funeral of Emperor Haile Selassie, Ras Tafari Makonnen, of Ethiopia
1987    world record 5,000 m (12:58.39) run by Said Aouita of Morocco
1986    Prince Andrew of Britain marries Sarah Ferguson
1972    launching of 1st Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS)
1968    5th wrestling world championship belt won by Fred Blasie
1952    Military seizes power in Egypt

1930    1500 die as Earthquake strikes Ariano, Italy
1920    British East Africa becomes a British crown colony and renamed Kenya

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