Friday 19 July 2013

Questions I would like to ask God

Each time I look at our everyday lives as humans, I can’t help but wonder the kind of God which created us and all we see. Many a times I think I know and understand this God, but at other times I can’t really comprehend the very first thing about Him. Several events that I have witnessed have made me long to ask God a few important questions, these questions include:
  • Why do good people die and bad people live long?

I have witnessed the death of several people whom I consider good by my human understanding. Some of these are people who I consider servants of God, some are people who I see and applaud their service to humanity, others are the people I admire for one reason or the other. Moreover, I see a lot of people whom by my human understanding are just not worthy of life, bubbling day after day. These are people who have soiled their hands severally in blood without remorse, who have treated their fellow man with the highest level of inhumanity and are even proud of their abominable deeds. I have searched and searched for a befitting reason why the good people will die and the bad people live long all to no avail. Right now I think there is only one person that can give me an answer, God.

  • Why did You encrypt the human mind?
God created a lot of wonderful things, but I think the human mind is top in the list. What makes the human mind so wonderful is not that it can think, feel, perceive, understand, reason, and store up knowledge, but that it can
do all these without actually showing the slightest sign of what it is doing on the outside. So that someone can actually have in mind to kill you but the outward appearance is irresistibly friendly. Many have died, many have been deceived, and many have been betrayed by this treacherous human nature. I have failed to find a reason why God in all His wisdom gave us such an encrypted mind.

  • How did You become so merciful?
You can agree with me that in one way or the other you have gone against the commands of God. In fact most of us even after giving our lives to Christ still go back to those sins we have rejected. Christ died that we might have life but many of us prefer that path of life that leads to eternal death. You can also agree with me that all God needs to destroy the disobedient is to say a word. Am tired of asking myself why God is  not saying that word even with all are multiplying inequities. If I had the opportunity I will simply ask God Himself
  • Why did You give us our own will?

God has the power to do all things; therefore he can make us bend to His will regardless of our own will. I keep wondering why God with all that power still allows us to do as we please, we run after other gods, we lie, steal, blaspheme, disobey, and fornicate as we please all against God’s will. The big question is why someone omnipotent would allow people to go against His will? God why give us our own will when You can easily make us bend to yours?

  • Why are we humans so unequal?

I look around me every day and I see different calibre of humans, some with various deformities like the blind, the deaf and dumb, the lame, the dwarfs, some with various diseases that I can’t even recount, others so rich that you can barely quantify their riches and others so poor they can’t even eat a good meal a day. I keep asking myself, did these people at the negative side commit a special sin that lead to their unfortunate condition? Even if some did, what of those that are born deformed or those born with a disease? I can’t possibly find a good answer for this, and I think the right person to ask is the creator and maker of the entire universe.

I hope there is something you as a person reading this have to say about all these questions


  1. i hope God answers your questions

  2. Everything that happens to us shows how glorious and powerful our God is, to make us understand our limitations, to show the depth of His greatness and that God's word concerning our lives myt b fulfilled. He has made all things possible 4 us so dat we'll nt av any excuse wen called to ans 4 such things.
    Finally, for dos who are deformed whether physically, mentally, financially or otherwise; is to make me understand that my sufficiency in all things only takes His grace and as such, deserves all praise.


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