Wednesday 31 July 2013

ASUU: No re-negotiation, hopes of strike ending tomorrow shattered

ASUU yesterday rejected Federal Government’s new offer of Enhanced Academic Allowances and insisted that Federal Government should implement the 2009 agreement in full.

Dr Nasir Fagge, national president of ASUU, said that after consultations with branch chairmen of the union on the new government offer, members rejected it saying it amounts to re-negotiations, the opinion of the branch chairmen is that the 2009 agreement should just be implemented rather than making new offers.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Male sex workers invade Anambra, Pope Francis:"...who am i to judge them?"

If there are things we didn’t think possible in our part of the world, then gay sex workers would definitely be one of them. Unfortunately, yesterday investigations by the Anambra State Aids Control Agency (SACA) showed that there are actually male sex spots just like females in Anambra state.

'All girls have fish brain'

'All girls have fish brain' were the exact words of my friend Ben some time ago. The surprising thing is that he tried to prove it. He did by talking about the long list of his conquest with girls of various characters, shapes and sizes. I tried as much as I could to disprove him. It all ended by him challenging me to a bet. It was simple, he asked me to give him any girl's number whom I consider different, and give him two weeks to see whether he won’t have his way with the girl. I thought about it but decided against it, simply because I don’t want be the cause of anybody's heartache. But seriously this is how many a relationships commence, from a bet between a guy and his friend and trust me girls fall for it.

Monday 29 July 2013

ASUU refutes plan to call off strike

As the ASUU strike enters its 27th day, ASUU has shattered the hopes of Nigerian students as it affirms that the news making rounds about ASUU going to call off strike by Thursday is only hypothetical.
ASUU national president Dr. Nasir Fagge expressed his surprise as he heard that the union was going to call off strike on Thursday. This is because according to him the issues between FG and ASUU have not been fully resolved.

Sunday 28 July 2013

High profile hacker Barnaby Jack dies a week before hacking convention

Phenomenal computer hacker, Barnaby Jack was on Thursday found dead at an apartment in Nob Hill neighbourhood of San Francisco.
 Many have been celebrated for several impressive acts, for New Zealand born 35 year old Barnaby, his talent lies in hacking. He was one of the world’s most famous “white hat” hackers – those who use their hacking skills to find security loopholes before criminals can exploit them.

"Apollo Eye" on rapage

Most of us know it by only one name “Apollo”, but the conventional name for the inflammation of the conjunctiva is “Acute Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis” (AHC), News has it that this eye infection is currently affecting people...beware!
The conjunctiva is a thin transparent tissue that covers the white part of the eye (Sclera), it helps to lubricate the eye by producing mucus and tears. AHC starts as reddening of the eye and could be caused by bacterial or viral infection.
Acute Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis is recognized by affected individuals as they wake.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Crisis:Over hundred people killed in Egypt

In reaction to the removal of Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi on 3rd July, His supporters have killed more than 100 and injured over 1000 people at a protest in Cairo.

President Morsi has been previously accused of murder relating to 2011 jail outbreak and involvement with militant group Hamas.

ASUU strike may end soon!!!

The 24 day old industrial action continues even as ASUU and FG burst students' bubble yesterday, but there are signs that the strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) may be called off next week.

Friday 26 July 2013

How can our senators understand the needs of the masses?

How can the robust and mighty elephant be elected to represent the tiny ants? how can this enormous creature understand the needs of the tiny ants? How can it feel the pain of the microscopic ants? These are the questions going through my mind as I re-read the bills passed by our glamorous senators.

Fingers crossed as FG and ASUU meet today

Fingers of Nigerian students remain crossed as The Federal Government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) meet today on the on-going strike embarked upon by university lecturers over the non-implementation of the 2009 FG/ASUU agreement.

Teeth Sensor knows when you're lying

A sensor inserted in a tooth could one day tell doctors when people have defied medical advice to give up smoking or eat less. Built into a tiny circuit board that fits in a tooth cavity, the sensor includes an accelerometer that sends data on mouth motion to a smartphone.

July 26 in history

Establishment of U.S. postal system, 1775
This day in 1775, the U.S. postal system was established by the Second Continental Congress, with Benjamin Franklin as its first postmaster general.

Liberian independence proclaimed, 1847
On this day in 1847, The Republic of Liberia, formerly a colony of the American Colonization Society, announces its independence. Pressured from Britain, the United States reluctantly accepted Liberian sovereignty, making the nation the first democratic republic in African history. A constitution modelled after the U.S. Constitution was approved, and in 1848 Joseph Jenkins Roberts was elected Liberia's first president.